Acute radiation syndrome (ARS), also known as radiation sickness, is a collection of health effects that are caused by being exposed to high amounts of radiation within a short period of time. ARS occurs when the entire body or most of the body is exposed to a high dose of penetrating radiation in a very short period of time (usually a matter of minutes). The symptoms of ARS, which appear shortly after the exposure to radiation, depend on the amount of radiation received. The higher the radiation dose, the more severe the symptoms are likely to be. At high doses (over 1 Gray (Gy)), ARS symptoms include impaired blood clotting which leads to uncontrolled bleeding; diarrhea; vomiting; fatigue; and damage to the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system.
The most extreme exposure can cause death within days. Common treatments for Acute Radiation Syndrome Market include medical management of symptoms such as infection, diarrhea, and fluid/electrolyte imbalance; antibiotics; growth factors to stimulate blood cell production; organ supportive care including ventilation and dialysis; hyperbaric oxygen therapy in select cases; and blood transfusions.
The Global Acute Radiation Syndrome Market is estimated to be valued at USD 5.2 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach USD 7.3 Bn by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5% from 2024 to 2031.
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